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Natural DIY Face Masks: 5 Recipes for Beautiful, Clear Skin

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Skincare can be confusing. Every week new products come up which swear they can cure all ills and create perfect skin. The truth is, different things work for different people. I have sensitive skin, and whilst I still use commercial skincare I’ve found some natural remedies which my skin adores. So, if you’ve found that new skincare trends just aren’t working for you, why not try some of these natural DIY face masks?

Be sure to patch text any skincare you try, commercial or homemade, to test for any sensitivity or reaction.

Note: This article contains Affiliate links which will earn me a small amount of commission if you choose to click the link and buy the products.

1. Banana mask

Bananas are highly packed with Vitamin A, C and B-6 ( study here) meaning it may help you achieve moisturised and brightened skin if applied topically. Banana masks are incredibly easy, simply mash a single banana into a paste and apply it to your face for around 10 minutes before washing it off. If the texture is too runny you can add some honey to thicken it. Alternatively, if the mixture is too thick you could add some normal water or rose water to thin it.

Although applying it topically in these DIY face masks will moisturise your skin, there are also a lot of beauty benefits to consuming more bananas as their other nutrients like zinc and potassium are great for skin health and keeping the skin looking youthful.

Banana DIY face masks are super easy to make and can be incredibly beneficial for the skin.

2. Rice Mask

This has recently gained attention as a natural skincare ingredient due to it’s reliable results in clearing peoples skin. It was first used by Asian communities before growing in popularity worldwide. Many people are familiar with the benefits of rice water for hair, but did you know that rice paste can also be super moisturising for the skin?

Firstly, wash a handful of rice thoroughly and bring it to a boil on the stove. Use a water to rice 2:1 ratio when boiling. Boil at a low temperature until the rice is soft, then blend it for around 30 seconds. After this, check the consistency and texture of the paste. If it’s too thick then add a bit of the rice water to the blender. If the mask is too rough and grainy, blend for an extra 10 seconds. The end product may still be slightly grainy but this should be mild enough to not irritate the skin, if applied gently.

Rice is common ingredient in Korean skincare and is notably used for softening skin and reducing acne, meaning that these homemade DIY face masks should achieve similar results. This mask should be made fresh each time it’s used due to it’s lack of preservatives and should be used a maximum of twice a week to avoid sensitivity.

Here’s an option to buy a rice mask. This may be useful if you want to use this mask multiple times without remaking it as natural skincare doesn’t have preservatives like commercial skincare.

Dried rice, this can make a super popular face mask which great for the skin.

3. Green Tea Mask

Green Tea is one of the most popular natural skincare ingredients, both for drinking and for applying topically. Many people swear by its ability to revive and soothe the skin. Because of this, Green Tea is the one of the best DIY face masks you could make.

To make a green tea mask, steep a green teabag in a shallow cup of warm water and allow to steep for about 10 minutes to fully soak the leaves. Then, open the bag and place the leaves in a mortar and pestle, crushing them finely. Add a few drops of the water to the bowl until a thin paste forms. Then, add honey to thicken the paste up and apply it to your face. Whilst letting it sit for 10 minutes, you could pour yourself your own cup of green tea to treat your skin from the inside as well as the out. After 10 minutes, thoroughly wash your face.

Here is an option to buy some green tea face masks.

Green Tea, a brilliant ingredient in natural skincare due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Mint Yogurt Mask

Mint is brilliant as a skincare ingredient when used mindfully. It is absolutely full of nutrients like Potassium, Zinc and Vitamins C & A (here) which are great for bright and healthy skin. It also increases blood flow to an area when applied topically. Because of this, you can make and use mint DIY face masks to encourage skin health and revitalisation.

A mint & yoghurt mask is super easy to make. Simply crush around 6 mint leaves using a mortar and pestle then add around 2 tablespoons of full fat yoghurt to the crushed leaves. Test the consistency on our hand, if it’s too runny you can add a splash of honey to thicken it. Once your happy with the consistency, you can apply this to the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Mint can feel cooling on the skin, but because of this it may feel uncomfortable for those with sensitive skin, so I would recommend you patch test the mask on your wrist before applying it to your face.

5. Rosehip Oil

If you grow roses in your garden then chances are you also grow rose hips, their fruit. Whilst not a facemask, This is liquid gold when it comes to skincare and makes for the perfect natural moisturiser. To make these into an oil, simply harvest them using a pair of gardening scissors and place them into a pot. Then add an oil to the pot in a 1:1 ratio to the rosehips. As this method takes a few hours of cooking or low heat, you may prefer to use a slow cooker.

I would recommend using either coconut oil or sunflower oil as I tried these previously and found them to be super moisturising on the skin. It should be noted that both oils are good but that coconut oil may be more likely to cause breakouts.

Then, heat the rosehips and oil on a low temperature, and leave for a few hours to fully infuse together. Mash the rosehips using a spoon to better mix the ingredients, but be aware the rosehips may take a while to soften in the oil. After around 8 hours, the oil will be fully infused and you can use a sieve and cheesecloth to pour the oil into a sterilised dropper bottle.

This oil is perfect, it helps moisturise skin and can even be used on eczema (it personally soothed mine). You can add a few drops with your normal moisturiser to benefit from it’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Here’s an option to buy Rosehip oil.

Rosehip flowers on rosebushes and can be harvested to be turned into rose hip oil. A useful ingredient in natural skincare.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope that it has inspired you to try some DIY face masks yourself. I hope you find what works for your skin and live your most confident self!

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